Ch Equinoxx Elwing Mutual Fun




Head study done at age 7½
© 2005 TheWinningImage , all rights reserved


October 31, 1997 - August 31, 2010


  • Breeders:  Cindy Lane Chiaurro, Den Lawler, M Chiaurro, & Elsa Lawler

  • Owners:  Marty B Cornell & Sarah M Shuman

  • Giggles has truly lived up to her name, she makes me to laugh at least once a day!

  • She tried her best to finish her championship one point at a time, ultimately
    finishing with her third major.  She needed only one point and earned four!

  • We tried to breed her twice, with no success.  That was probably because we had all of the puppies named.  We bred her to her grandfather Harley also known as "Ha-Ha."  It was going to be the Laughing litter:  Chortle, Guffaw, Twitter, Snicker, etc.

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