Ch Rapscallion Shades of Elwing CDX WH


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German Shorthaired Pointer
May 4, 1985 - April 4, 2000 
Breeders: Charlotte Desimini and Wade Parsons

See Pedigree


Age 3 months
Best in Specialty Match

Age 13


Best of Breed
Age 2

  • Born a year after her father died, Shades came to me at the age of 9 weeks.  She walked into the house and into my heart.  She was the most self confident puppy I ever saw, winning an All-Breed Best in Match and a Specialty Best in Match at age 3 months, and her first major at 6 months.  She finished at Astro Hall with a 5 point major.

  • Right to the end she had an independent streak.  Even though she was mostly blind from cataracts, given half a chance she would head out hunting.  She might need to go slow to avoid running into something, but off she would go.

  • Wonderful mother to her only litter (the punctuation marks) 4 of the 8 finished their championships.

  • Empty pan retriever.

  • Face cleaner.

  • Bed snuggler.

  • Best friend.


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